Group Theory – Commutator Subgroup and Abelian Quotients


Let $G$ be a group. A commutator is an element of the form $aba^{^-1}b^{-1}$. The set of finite products of commutators is a normal subgroup $K$ called the commutator subgroup.

The book claims $K$ is the smallest subgroup such that the quotient $G/K$ is abelian.

I'm wondering what they mean by smallest. Is it "smallest" in order? If so then the quotient $G/K$ should have the "largest" order out of the possible quotient groups of $G$ that are abelian. Is this what is meant?

Best Answer

$K$ is "smallest" in the sense that any subgroup $H$ with the property that $G/H$ is abelian must contain $K$.

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