[Math] the cardinality of the set of all infinite sequences


The set is defined as {$(n_1, n_2,…n_k ..) | n_k \in \mathbb{N}$}. What are some approaches to finding and proving the cardinality of this set?

Best Answer

You have $|\mathbb{N}|$ options for as many slots, so $|\mathbb{N}|^{|\mathbb{N}|}$ different sequences.

There are several ways to prove that this is $|\mathbb{R}|$. I'll give one, but try to come up with another (hint, power sets).

Continued Fractions. Given a sequence $a_i$ we can map it to a continued fraction by $f(\{a_i\})=[0;a_1,a_2,\ldots]$. When the sequences are taken over the naturals, this is a bijection with the $(\mathbb{R}-\mathbb{Q})\cap[0,1]$. Since there are only countably many rationals, the irrationals in $[0,1]$ and $[0,1]$ itself have the same cardinality by the properties of cardinal arithmetic. It's well-known that $|[0,1]|=|\mathbb{R}|$, and several proofs are given here.

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