[Math] the cardinality of the countable ordinals


Every countable ordinal $\alpha$ can be written uniquely in Cantor canonical form as a finite arithmetical expression, say $C(\alpha)$. We thus have the 1-1 correspondence between the countable ordinals and their corresponding finite Goedel (ordinal) numbers:

$C(\alpha) \leftrightarrow \lceil C(\alpha) \rceil$

Since the set of Goedel numbers $\{\lceil C(\alpha) \rceil\}$ is denumerable, shouldn't the set $\{C(\alpha)\}$ of countable ordinals also be denumerable, with cardinality $\aleph_{0}$?

Let me re-phrase my query:

Conventional wisdom argues (correctly if the set theory ZF is consistent) that the cardinality of the countable ordinals—which is the set of all the ordinals below the first uncountable ordinal $\varepsilon_{0}$, each of whom can be written in Cantor canonical (not normal) form as a finite arithmetical expression—is $\aleph_{1}$.

However, the equally well-defined set-theoretic 1-1 correspondence that I detailed above seems to imply that this cardinality is $\aleph_{0}$.

So, which is it?

For the meaning of 'Cantor canonical form' as used here and another, albeit more convoluted, 1-1 correspondence, see http://alixcomsi.com/45_Countable_Ordinals_Update.pdf

Best Answer

It is true that every ordinal can be written in a unique Cantor normal form, but in many cases this is a vacuous form. For example $\varepsilon_0$ is a countable ordinal such that $\omega^{\varepsilon_0}=\varepsilon_0$. Therefore the Cantor normal form of $\varepsilon_0$ is... $\omega^{\varepsilon_0}$.

Besides that the set of countable ordinals is a transitive set, and it is well-ordered by $\in$. It follows that it is an ordinal itself, denote it $\alpha$. However $\alpha$ cannot be countable, because then $\alpha\in\alpha$ which implies it is not well-ordered by $\in$ (and contradicts the axiom of regularity). Therefore $\alpha$ is uncountable.

But we note that every uncountable ordinal is strictly larger than all countable ordinals, and therefore $\alpha$ is the least uncountable ordinal. That is, $\alpha=\omega_1$ and therefore its cardinality is $\aleph_1$.