[Math] The best source to study Galois theory for beginners


Lately I've brcome really curious about Galois theory, specially about proving that there is no solution by radicals for polynomials with degree $5$ or higher. Since I know very little about group/field theory I've had to understand a lot of new notation and get my head around many new concepts.

I'm currently trying to read the six page proof Galois theory for beginners but it's proving to be harder than I thought. The author seems to expect the reader to make some underlaying assumptions which, if not made, could lead to serious confusions. I'm currently stuck with this document and I was wondering if maybe I'm just doing something that is harder than it should.

Many youtube playlists prove interesting things, although I haven't found one that proves the Abel-Ruffini theorem. All the blogs I've seen that attempt to provide a proof for people who know practically nothing of group/fiels theory fall short (the authors seem to have abandoned them halfway through). And I have heard of books that could work, although with work and college I would like to leave this as the last option.

My question then is, has someone by any chance encountered a complete proof of the Abel-Ruffini theorem that could be understood by a beginner in group/field theory?

I would truly appreciate any thoughts!

I understand that my question is not really about a math problem, but I figured that the people from this site might be the best ones to ask.

Best Answer

I suggest that you read Niels Hendrik Abel and Equations of the Fifth Degree by Michael Rosen for a proof of the Abel-Ruffini theorem.

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