Linear Algebra – Basis of a Matrix Representation

linear algebramatricesmatrix equationsvector-spaces

If I have the linear map $f:\Bbb{R}^n\rightarrow \Bbb{R}^m$ then we can write $f$ as like the following:
$$f\left(\vec x\right)=A\vec x$$
Where $A$ is a matrix. I think $A$ is called the standard matrix for $f$. Linear maps act on vectors and therefore should not be associated with any basis i.e. they act on vectors rather then 'coordinate vectors'. Does this mean that the matrix $A$ is not associated with any basis? (noting that in the standard basis of the two vector spaces, the matrix representatin of $f$ will be equivlent to $A$).

i.e. is the following statement correct:

The matrix $A$ is equivalent to the linear map $f$ when acting on a vector in $\Bbb{R}^n$. The matrix $\tilde A$ which is the matrix representation of $f$ in the standard bases of $\Bbb{R}^n$ and $\Bbb{R}^m$ has exactly the same components as $A$ but acts on coordinate vectors rather then actual vectors the linear map $f$ acts on. These coordinate vectors will however take exactly the same form, in the standard bases, as the original vectors that $f$ acts on.

Best Answer

I've never seen the notation $\tilde A$ used to mean $A$ w.r.t. the standard basis, but $A$ is ALWAYS w.r.t. some basis. Think about it, matrices have components. What would those components be if the matrix were not w.r.t. to some basis?

So $f$ is basis-free -- it doesn't matter which basis you choose, $f$ will always be the linear map that does a specific thing (determined by its definition is).

$A$ is basis-dependent. You can only specify a matrix representation of a transformation $f$ if you've already chosen a basis. And of course, the same matrix will NOT work if you later decide to change your basis (though you can transform it with an invertible matrix $P$ like $P^{-1}AP$).

$\tilde A$ is apparently the matrix representation of $f$ w.r.t. the standard basis. This is of course, basis-dependent.

$\vec x$ is an object just like $f$. By that I mean it is intrinsicly basis-free. The coordinates of $\vec x$ are determined after a basis is chosen. But we don't usually use any special notation to specify whether $\vec x$ is a coordinate vector or an abstract vector UNLESS we're doing a change of basis problem.

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