[Math] The arithmetic genus of non-reduced curves


Let $(X,h)$ be a smooth projective variety, and let $C\subset X$ be a smooth rational curve. Then $C$ has arithmetic genus $0$. (That $p_a(C)=0$ is not important, just to fix ideas).

But if I am interested in other curves in $X$, whose associated $1$-cycle is $dC$ for some $d>1$, how to compute their arithmetic genus? Actually, this problem splits into two questions:

  1. Do all curves $E\subset X$ with $1$-cycle is $dC$ share the same Hilbert polynomial (and therefore the same $p_a$), regardless of the scheme structure?
  2. How to compute the arithmetic genus of a curve $E\subset X$ whose cycle is $dC$?


Best Answer

Certainly the arithmetic genus depends on the scheme structure, and not just the underlying cycle; see the example in Hartshorne of two skew lines in $\mathbb P^3$ coming together in a flat family (and acquiring an embedded point) if you want an illustration of this. (Or just compute the arithmetic genus of the subscheme $XY = Y^2 = 0$ of $\mathbb P^2$, and compare it with arithmetic genus of the underlying reduced subscheme.)

In particular, if $C$ is not a codimension one cycle (a divisor), then I'm not sure that this question has that much of an answer, the reason being that arithmetic genus depends on having an actual subscheme of $X$ (or if you like, a point of the Hilbert scheme of the ambient variety $X$), whereas a cycle is less data than that.

If $X$ is a surface, so that $C$ is a Cartier divisor, then we can interpret $dC$ as being the $d$th power of this Cartier divisor, and hence get a well-defined subscheme, which varies in a flat family if $C$ does, and hence for which it makes sense to discuss the arithmetic genus. As Cantlog suggests in comments, the arithmetic genus will then be given by the adjunction formula. In particular, the self intersection $C\cdot C$ will play a role.

You can see this by comparing the case of $X$ being $\mathbb P^2$ vs. the case of $X$ being a smooth quadric surface (i.e. $\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$). In the first case, if we take $C$ to be a line, then $2 C$ is the linear equivalence class of conics, whose arithmetic genus is again $0$. On the other hand, if we take $C$ to be one of the lines in one of the rulings of a quadric (i.e. $C = \mathbb P^1 \times \text{ a point }$), then $2C$ is linear equivalent to the disjoint union of two lines in the ruling, and has arithmetic genus equal to $-1$ (assuming I have the sign in the formula for arithmetic genus right).

The point is that the two lines crossing (with is another member of the linear equivalence class of $C$ in the first case) has one less point then two disjoint lines (the crossing point appears just once altogether instead of once on each line), thus $\chi(\mathcal O_C)$ is one less in the crossing case than in the disjoint case, thus $p_a := 1 - \chi(\mathcal O_C)$ is one more, i.e. is $0$ in the first case rather than $-1$ in the second case.

From a more formal point of view: the adjunction formula says that $2 p_a - 2 = K_X \cdot C + C \cdot C,$ and
this is not linear in $C$; e.g. you find that the arithmetic genus $p_a(2 C)$ is equal to $2p_a(C) - 1 + C \cdot C$.

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