[Math] the area of the shaded region


Problem 2 seems to have two ways of going about it.

Way 1

Assume the whole shape is a triangle and the unshaded region is a trapezoid. Subtract the trapezoid's area from the triangle's area.

Way 2

Assume both shaded regions are triangles. Add the shaded triangles' areas.

I'm fairly certain at least Triangle 1's area is correct because finding the area of the trapezoid containing Triangle 1 and the unshaded trapezoid yields the same area as when combining the area of Triangle 1 determined in Way 2 and the area of the trapezoid determined in Way 1: A=(a+b)*h/2 = ((12+13)+15)*11/2 = 220.


Why doesn't Way 2 provide the correct answer?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's the second solution which is correct, and the first one is wrong!

The error hides in the assumption the whole figure is a triangle. If it was, the big triangle would be similar to the smaller one on the right side, hence the proportion would hold $$\frac{12+13}{11+21}=\frac{15}{21}$$ However, it does not, as $$\frac{12+13}{11+21}=0.78125 > 0.7142857 \approx \frac{15}{21}$$ and the big figure is a concave quadrangle.