[Math] the area of shaded region which is lies between outer and inner circle.


There is a outer circle with radius 2r and another inner circle with radius r whose center is the middle of big circle.As depicted in the following figure.


Foo graph Image

There is a sector of 120 degree in inner circle which leads to shaded part between outer and inner circle. What is the area of shaded circle in terms of r ?

i.e. What is the value of K ?

Best Answer

WLOG let $r=1$.

Let us use a coordinate system centered on the large circle. Then the oblique line on the right has equation $x=\sqrt3(y-1)$ and meets the circle $x^2+y^2=4$.

Solving the quadratic equation, the intersection point is $(\dfrac{\sqrt{39}-\sqrt3}4,\dfrac{\sqrt{13}+3}4)$.

Hence, the aperture angle of the large sector

$$\theta=2\arctan\left(\frac xy\right)=1.19873\cdots \text{rad}=68.6821\cdots°.$$

The requested area is the difference between the large and the small sector and two triangles having base $1$ and height $x$.


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