Geometry – Analogue of Spherical Coordinates in $n$-Dimensions

analytic geometrycoordinate systemsgeometryspheresspherical coordinates

What's the analogue to spherical coordinates in $n$-dimensions? For example, for $n=2$ the analogue are polar coordinates $r,\theta$, which are related to the Cartesian coordinates $x_1,x_2$ by

$$x_1=r \cos \theta$$
$$x_2=r \sin \theta$$

For $n=3$, the analogue would be the ordinary spherical coordinates $r,\theta ,\varphi$, related to the Cartesian coordinates $x_1,x_2,x_3$ by

$$x_1=r \sin \theta \cos \varphi$$
$$x_2=r \sin \theta \sin \varphi$$
$$x_3=r \cos \theta$$

So these are my questions: Is there an analogue, or several, to spherical coordinates in $n$-dimensions for $n>3$? If there are such analogues, what are they and how are they related to the Cartesian coordinates? Thanks.

Best Answer

These are hyperspherical coordinates. You can see an example of them being put to use in this answer.

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