[Math] the affine space and what is it for


These two topics already exist:

(preface: got in contact with affine space through computer graphics subject in university)

What are affine spaces for?

What are differences between affine space and vector space?

However, people stop explaining when it comes to the point. So I'd like to ask at that point:
this post says:

vector spaces are the natural generalization of translations of spaces
affine spaces are important, because they recover the concept of points which the "arrows" (vectors) of a vector space move.

Which means: Vector spaces exist to handle space movement and the affine space exists to handle the coordinates of a vector – so is basically one meta level below the vector space?

this post states:

An affine space is an abstraction of how geometrical points (in the plane, say) behave. All points look alike; there is no point which is special in any way. You can't add points. However, you can subtract points (giving a vector as the result).

Which means: I can basically imagine a coordinate system, where objects like arrows (vectors) do not exist. I only have points to work with. In addition I have only a small number of operations, I can do on them (e.g. subtracting)?

this very nice post did not explain, "why" P2 is in fact an affine space. It just says "it is":

In fact, P2 is a classical example of an affine space.

My conclusion: It's basically like a vector space, but without the need of an absolutely specified origin. It's like as if you have a vector space, but moved away from the origin and there is no vector space anymore (like P2 from the post). So if the "user" wants to make use of the affine space, he has to define it's own origin. All points, that are used later (set by the point coordinates) are based on that "self-made"-origin's position

In total I imagine the affine space like a coordinate system with no lines, no vectors, no squares, etc, but only dots. The dot's positions are always relative to the "initially set" origin point.
In programming-style words: it's basically a kind of "super class" for the vector space?

@usage (in Computer graphics):
From my understanding: It's made for having a sub-coordinatesystem for objects in the space, so that things don't need to be manipulated on the base of the "global" coordinate systems?
E.g. "local transformations" in 3D programs (like blender) would be realized through the concept of the affine space?

my professor says:

If you don't have a vector space, you can't have an affine space

This statement actually destroys every understanding I gained through the posts here on stackexchange…

Best Answer

Consider a flat sheet. Given two points on the sheet, you can't add them, but you can describe how to go from the first point to the second point. And if you have instructions explaining how to go from point $A$ to point $B$, and further you have instructions for going from point $B$ to point $C$, then you can combine them into a single set of instructions for going from point $A$ to point $C$. And you can take those instructions (e.g., walk 10 feet north and 2 feet east) and apply them to any starting point to get a different ending point. If you say that you are going to measure everything with respect to a specific starting point $O$, every other point $X$ can be thought of as $O$ and the directions from $O$ to $X$.

An affine space is a generalization of this idea. You can't add points, but you can subtract them to get vectors, and once you fix a point to be your origin, you get a vector space. So one perspective is that an affine space is like a vector space where you haven't specified an origin. And given any vector space, you get an affine space by forgetting where the origin is, forgetting addition, but keeping subtraction and allowing yourself to add differences to points, so that you don't have $A+B$, but you do have $A+(B-C)$. Differences give directions, and you can add directions to points, but you can't add points to points.

We can generalize this idea further, which may shed some light: Let $G$ be a group and $X$ a space. An action of $G$ on $X$ is a map $G\times X\to X$ (written $g.x$) such that $g.(h.x)=(gh).x$ for every $g,h\in G, x\in X$. A $G$-torsor is a space $X$ with a group action such that for every $x,y\in X$, there is a unique $g\in G$ with $g.x=y$. $G$ is encoding the ways of getting from one point to another, there is a way to go from one point to any other point, the directions one can give can be applied to any starting point, and one can combine two sets of directions together by following the first set and then the second.

An affine space, is just a $G$-torsor where $G$ is a vector space.

The simplest example here is a point. The next simplest example is a line where we can say how far apart two points are, but no particular point is special. We can take a point and move left or right by one unit, but points cannot be added. So an affine line is like the number line, but we've forgotten where $0$ is.

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