[Math] The adjoint operator of the second order partial differential operator.

partial differential equations

I'm studying the second order elliptic partial differential equations in the 'Partial Differential Equations, EVANS'. The section 6.2.3 begins with defining the adjoint operator $L^*$ of the operator $$Lu=-\sum_{i,j} (a^{ij}u_{x_i})_{x_j}+ \sum _i b^iu_{x_i}+cu$$
$$ L^*v = -\sum_{i,j} (a^{ij}v_{x_j})_{x_i}- \sum _i b^iv_{x_i}+(c-\sum_i b^i_{x_i})u.$$
This definition follows from the simple calculation if we use the inner product on $L^2(U)$. But I think that we have to use the inner product on $H^1_0$, i.e. $(u, v)=\int_U uv+Du \cdot Dvdx$ because we want to find solutions in the Sobolev space $H^1_0$. Please give any advise for me. Thanks.

Best Answer

No, the use of $L^2$ inner product is appropriate here. In this subject it's not unusual to borrow structure from different function spaces at once. E.g., later in the section you will see statements like "$u_j\rightharpoonup u$ weakly in $H^1_0$ and also $u_j\to u$ strongly in $L^2$".

This use of $L^2$ product is consistent with the way in which we associate a bilinear form on $H_0^1$ to an elliptic operator. I'll use Laplacian $L=-\Delta$ for illustration, which corresponds to the bilinear form $B[u,v]=\int_\Omega \nabla u\cdot \nabla v $. How does this correspondence come about? For smooth compactly supported functions, it's integration by parts: $$ (Lu,v) = \int_\Omega -\Delta u \, v = \int_\Omega \nabla u\cdot \nabla v $$ Note that the inner product on the left is from $L^2$. The main point is that when we stick two derivatives into an $L^2$ inner product, the result is a bilinear form that is naturally defined on $H_0^1$.

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