Combinatorics – The $5n+1$ Problem Explained

collatz conjecturecombinatoricsconjectures

The Collatz Conjecture is a famous conjecture in mathematics that has lasted for over 70 years. It goes as follows:

Define $f(n)$ to be as a function on the natural numbers by:

$f(n) = n/2$ if $n$ is even and
$f(n) = 3n+1$ if $n$ is odd

The conjecture is that for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$, $n$ eventually converges under iteration by $f$ to $1$.

I was wondering if the "5n+1" problem has been solved. This problem is the same as the Collatz problem except that in the above one replaces $3n+1$ with $5n+1$.

Best Answer

You shouldn't expect this to be true. Here is a nonrigorous argument. Let $n_k$ be the sequence of odd numbers you obtain. So (heuristically), with probability $1/2$, we have $n_{k+1} = (5n_k+1)/2$, with probability $1/4$, we have $n_{k+1} = (5 n_k+1)/4$, with probability $1/8$, we have $n_{k+1} = (5 n_k+1)/8$ and so forth. Setting $x_k = \log n_k$, we approximately have $x_{k+1} \approx x_k + \log 5 - \log 2$ with probability $1/2$, $x_{k+1} \approx x_k + \log 5 - 2 \log 2$ with probability $1/4$, $x_{k+1} \approx x_k + \log 5 - 3 \log 2$ with probability $1/8$ and so forth.

So the expected change from $x_{k}$ to $x_{k+1}$ is $$\sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \frac{ \log 5 - j \log 2}{2^j} = \log 5 - 2 \log 2.$$

This is positive! So, heurisitically, I expect this sequence to run off to $\infty$. This is different from the $3n+1$ problem, where $\log 3 - 2 \log 2 <0$, and so you heurisitically expect the sequence to decrease over time.

Here is a numerical example. I started with $n=25$ and generated $25$ odd numbers. Here is a plot of $(k, \log n_k)$, versus the linear growth predicted by my heuristic. Notice that we are up to 4 digit numbers and show no signs of dropping down.

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