[Math] Textbooks for visual learners


Perhaps this question has already been asked (if so, please let me know) but I am looking for books that appeal to visual learners.

I discovered that I am able to understand concepts much quicker and better when they are explained/taught in a visual way. For example the epsilon-delta definition of a limit of a sequence/function only became really clear to me when explained with the help of a graph similar to this one:

enter image description here

I also love the Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain

thread on this site because it helped me understand so many things that made no sense to me when I was "just" reading them in a book with no visual illustrations.

Can you recommend some books ,from all areas of mathematics (especially analysis and linear algebra), that would appeal to visual learners like myself?

Best Answer

Here are some of my favorites which I recommend with pleasure.

  • Proofs without words - Exercises in visual thinking: Volume I and II by Roger B. Nelson are a nice way to work on relatively easy problems. But since they are presented with very nice and sometimes enlightning graphics, it's fun to work through them.

  • Visual Complex Analysis by T. Needham is a guided tour through complex Analysis with plenty of illuminating pictures providing additional insight (and additional aesthetic pleasure).

  • A Topological Picturebook by George K. Francis is a classical introductory text with focus on visual perception.

Maybe the following recommendations are not so often cited:

  • Beautiful Evidence by Edward Tufte is a wonderful book about how to present data and statistics. I deeply appreciate all his books around this theme and from my point of view it's a must have for statisticians.

  • The Ashley Book of Knots: Although this book is not written for mathematicians, I recommend it to all who like topology. The theme of the last chapter from the Topological Picture Book is knot theory. And if you are a visual learner with a faible for knots you will appreciate this book . It is a guide containing thousands of wonderfully drawn knots most of them are masterpieces of art. You can delve into an incredible world of different knots and after that you will look at Topology with different eyes.

Some additional hints regarding OPs comment

  • Analysis by Its History by E. Hairer and G. Wanner is an approach to Analysis following the chronological order of the subject. It's a valuable supplement to ordinary textbooks in calculus providing also a wealth of highly instructive graphics. When looking at the many graphics it's obvious, that hundreds of hours had been invested with great sensitivity by the authors to serve the visual needs of the students.

  • Calculus by Michael Spivak is a well known (modern) classic which also contains a lot of good drawings. The contents is great of course, the drawings are numerous and instructive, but they do not play in the same league as those by E. Hairer and G. Wanner.

One more regarding topology:

  • Aspects of Topology by C.O. Christenson and W.L. Voxman is a particularly suited easy to read and informative text about topology which also contains a lot of instructive graphics.