[Math] Textbook recommendation for discrete Mathematics

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I want a good textbook covering elemenents of discrete mathematics Average level.Im a mathematics undergraduate so i dont want it to be towards Computer science that much.Interested in combinatorics and graph theory .But also covering enumeration and other stuff.One book i found is https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Discrete-Mathematics-C-Liu/dp/0071005447 .

Best Answer

For a math major I strongly recommend Edward A. Scheinerman, Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction; it’s well written, and it’s definitely aimed at math majors, not computer science majors. The book by Kenneth Rosen is exhaustive, but it’s aimed more at computer science majors and is not, in my opinion, all that well written; much the same goes for the one by Richard Johnsonbaugh. Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, is well written and does a decent job of targeting both math majors and computer science majors and is probably a little easier than the Scheinerman for someone who is encountering abstract mathematics and proofs for the first time.

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