[Math] Terminology question: “boundary map” in homology theory


In homology theory the same name and symbol is used to describe two different maps:

1: the boundary maps $\partial_n: C_n(X) \to C_{n-1}(X)$ appearing in a chain complex of (say) singular n-simplices.

2: given a pair (X,A) the boundary maps $\partial_n: H_n(X,A) \to H_{n-1}(A).$

Is there a good reason for this? To my eyes, these maps seem quite unrelated: for instance, the second map takes (equivalence classes of) cycles to (equivalence classes of) cycles, while the first map annihilates all cycles!

Best Answer

This is just an elaboration on PVALs comment.

Given a short exact sequence $0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$ of chain complexes, there is an induced long exact sequence in homology. This is constructed out what is known as the snake lemma: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_lemma

If you look in the construction of the boundary map, you will see that a key step is to use the differential of $B$. This can be interpreted topologically.

First lets just recall the construction of the relative chain complex short exact sequence. The idea is that the inclusion $A \to X$ induces an inclusion of (singular) chain complexes, and one can formally take the quotient to get the relative chain complex. (The quotient is also free, since a simplex is killed in the quotient iff it lied entirely in $A$, so we create no torsion after this quotient.)

Now we start with some representative $\alpha$ of an element in the relative homology group $H_n(X,A)$, which is some chain in $X$ whose boundary lies in $A$. $\partial \alpha$ is some chain lying in $A$, and since it was a boundary of a chain in $X$, we know that it is a cycle. But it may not be a boundary of some chain lying in $A$, hence could be some interesting homology class in $H_{n-1}(A)$.

It is useful to imagine the disc $D = X$ with boundary $S^1 = A$. The disc is a relative homology class in $H_2(X,A)$. It's boundary is a homology class in $H_1(A)$.

The long exact sequence asserts that in general a complete set of representatives for the homology classes in the kernel of the map $H_{n-1}(A) \to H_{n-1}(X)$ are obtained this way. But this really makes sense, since some $\beta$ being in the kernel of that map means that there appeared some chain $\alpha$ in $X$ filling in the holes of $\beta$, i.e. it became a boundary, or symbolically $\partial(\alpha) = \beta$. But now $\alpha$ is a chain in $C_n(X)$ whose boundary lies in $A$, hence it represents some relative cycle in $H_n(X,A)$, and its image under the map described before is exactly $\beta$.

Hope that is helpful.

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