[Math] Tensor product of the fraction field of a domain and a module over the domain


Given a fraction field $k(x)$ of the polynomial ring $k[x]$ over a field $k$ and an integral domain $R$ that is also a $k[x]$-module, is it true that $k(x) \otimes_{k[x]} R \cong Frac(R)$?

I think that it has to do with the simple property of tensor products: $R\otimes_R M \cong M$, for an $R$-module $M$, but I am not sure how to prove it. Is there something more general that this is a corollary of?

Best Answer

No, because you are only inverting the polynomials in $x$. e.g.

$$ k(x) \otimes_{k[x]} k[x,y] \cong k(x)[y]$$


$$ k(x) \otimes_{k[x]} k[x] / (x) \cong 0 $$