[Math] Teaching Introductory Real Analysis


I am currently helping teach an introduction to real analysis course at UC Berkeley. The textbook we are using in Rudin's "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" (aka baby rudin).

I am trying to find ways to help the students understand the material better. My jobs include

  1. Writing solutions to the homework exercises

  2. Finding other examples that can supplement Rudin, as Rudin sometimes doesn't present enough examples

  3. Suggest Problems for the Midterm and Final Examinations

For (2), I have found Kenneth Ross's book (Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus) very helpful. Does anyone suggest any other books, that do a good job in "holding your hand and walking through" with various concepts in analysis?

Also, this is my first time teaching, so I am wondering how a good solution set should look like. Should it just show the formal solutions, or should it also tell the students a little bit about how to approach the problem and build intution. Or is that too much writing that will distract and be unmotivating for the student to read through?

Also, each week we assign about 10-14 problems, but only 3 problems are graded. My solutions are to the 3 graded problems. I believe there is some advantage to this system, but do you I am putting the students at a strong disadvantage if I do not write all of the solutions? Time is limited sometimes, but I plan on writing the solutions to some other problems other than the graded problems. So:

How do you decide which problems are worthy of writing solutions to (assuming time is limited and I don't have time to write solutions for all 14 problems)?

Does anyone have good ideas to supplement Rudin(which I think is a great book, but my students may disagree) to the 40 student undergraduate class? This is a sort of a broad question. I'm wondering what others did in their previous experiences, if any, while teaching a class with that book?

Best Answer

De​ar Ro​han,

First let me say that I got a little jealous after reading your first paragraph! What you are about to do should be very rewarding and a lot of fun.

I think you are right to be concerned that many students will find Rudin's book [as an aside, I don't really like this "Baby X" stuff: it seems not so subtly discouraging to describe university-level texts in this way; you could say either Rudin's Principles or, if you must use an epithet, "Little Rudin", because it is indeed a smaller book than his other analysis texts] too terse in and of itself. Sufficiently strong students will consider it a rite of passage and adapt to it eventually, but the entire current generation of "off-Rudin" undergraduate analysis texts seems to be fairly convincing evidence that the average undergraduate needs somewhat more help. Which is not to say that Berkeley is populated by average undergraduates, but I think even very strong students, whether they realize it or not, could learn more efficiently if the text is supplemented. (It happens that this was the primary text used in the math class I took during my very first quarter at the University of Chicago. It wasn't completely impenetrable or anything like that -- much less so than some of the lectures later on in the course! -- but I think I would have benefited from some of the supplementation you describe. In any case I'm too old to give a really independent evaluation of that book now: I've had it for getting on 20 years and have read much of it backwards and forwards countless times.)

The good news is that the off-Rudin phenomenon is so widespread that there are almost infinitely many places to go for a source of more problems, examples and so on. You really can have your pick of the litter. But since you asked, here are two books I like a lot, one old and one rather new:

Gelbaum and Olmstead, Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics.

What it claims is what you get, and what you get is very valuable. Asking students for counterexamples is a great way to keep them alive and awake in such a course: it's so easy for a young student to get snowed under by the barrage of the theorems and not to appreciate that so many theorems in real analysis have somewhat complicated statements because the simpler statement you are hoping for at first is simply not true. Coming up with counterexamples really helps students participate in the development of the material: if you don't do any of this explicitly, the very best students will do some of it on their own, but for a lot of the students learning the theorems will amount to a lot of arduous memorization.

Körner, A Companion to Analysis....

This is a pretty fantastic book: a long, chatty text much of which fills in nooks and crannies and works very hard to get the student to appreciate why things are set up they way they are. For instance, by now a lot of instructors have realized the pedagogical need to provide more up-front motivation for the real numbers and the obviously important but initially mysterious least upper bound axiom. Körner's book carries this line of thought through more deftly and thoroughly than any other I have seen. He asks the question "What happens if we try to do calculus on the rational numbers?" and he comes back again and again to answer it. It's tempting to throw out an example of a continuous function on a closed interval which attains its maximum value only at an irrational point and just move on, but this leaves a lot of cognitive work to the students to really appreciate what's going on. Körner does much better than this. Moreover, Körner's book ends with the best list of analysis problems I have ever seen. There are literally hundreds of pages of problems, thoughtfully organized and appealingly presented. This is an invaluable resource for someone trying to flesh out an analysis course.

I see that I've now written at length and not addressed most of your questions, which concern the solution sets. That may be for the best: it's been a long time since I regularly wrote up solutions to problem sets. This takes me back to my undergraduate days as well, when they were handwritten and mimeographed: yes, that was a pretty strange thing to do even back in the 1990's. (I will advise you tex up the solutions rather than handwriting them, although even this is not as de rigueur as one might think: I have colleagues who think that handwritten solutions are more appealing. I think they're crazy, but oh well.) I didn't get any feedback on them and often wondered if they were actually being read. So I had better leave this for someone else to advise you.

Good luck!

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