[Math] Taylor Series of Gamma Function

calculusgamma functionsoft-questiontaylor expansion

I have always wondered whether the Taylor Series of Gamma Function exists or not. I tried to find it, but in vain. I googled for it, but couldn't find it. Has anyone ever found its Taylor Series?

Best Answer

If you want the Taylor series, you basically need the $n^{th}$ derivative of $\Gamma(x)$. These express in terms of the polygamma function. Considering

$$d_n=\frac{\left[\Gamma(x)\right]^{(n)}}{\Gamma(x)}$$ the first terms are $$d_1=\psi ^{(0)}(x)$$ $$d_2=\psi ^{(0)}(x)^2+\psi ^{(1)}(x)$$ $$d_3=\psi ^{(0)}(x)^3+3 \psi ^{(1)}(x) \psi ^{(0)}(x)+\psi ^{(2)}(x)$$ $$d_4=\psi ^{(0)}(x)^4+6 \psi ^{(1)}(x) \psi ^{(0)}(x)^2+4 \psi ^{(2)}(x) \psi ^{(0)}(x)+3 \psi ^{(1)}(x)^2+\psi ^{(3)}(x)$$ which "simplify" (a little !) when you perform the expansion around $x=a$, $a$ being a positive integer.

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