[Math] Tangents to an ellipse passing through an external point


I came across the following problem from a Calculus course. Given the equation of an ellipse $9x^2+4y^2=36$ and a point $P(4,0)$. Find the equations of the two tangents to the ellipse, passing through $P$. The idea was to use the derivative, through implicit diff being $y'=\frac{-9x}{4y}$ But then I got stuck. So in order to get the answer, I tried a non calculus approach. I set up the tangent equation to be $y=m(x-4)$ and let it intersect with the ellipse by eliminating $y$. I got $9x^2+4(mx-4m)^2=36$ Removing brackets and simplifying, this becomes of quadratic nature: $$(9+4m^2)x^2-32m^2x+64m^2-36=0$$ Now an old trick I learned in High School is that in order to have tangents, the Discriminant $b^2-4ac$ must be zero. So plugging in the coefficients, I arrive at: $1024m^4-4(9+4m^2)(64m^2-36)=0$ which after simplifying becomes: $m^2=0.75$ from which I find $m=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$ and $m=-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$. With these slopes, the tangents are hereby found. My question: How can this be done with the derivative, provided it takes less steps than my approach? Thanks.

Best Answer

An alternative method would be to write the ellipse in parametric form.

Let $$x=2\cos\theta, y=3\sin \theta$$

Then the equation of the tangent is$$y-3\sin \theta=-\frac {3\cos\theta}{2\sin\theta}(x-2\cos\theta)$$

Now put $(x,y)=(4,0)$ and you get $\theta=\frac{\pi}{3},\frac{2\pi}{3}$ which leads to the equations of the tangents.