Algebraic Geometry – Tangent Surface of a Twisted Cubic Curve

algebraic-geometryanalytic geometry

I am trying to describe the tangent surface to a twisted cubic curve $C$, i.e. the curve which is given parametrically by $t\mapsto(t, t^2, t^3)$. This surface $S$ is given parametrically by $(t,u)\mapsto(t+u, t^2+2tu, t^3+3t^2u)$. Denote $x=t+u$, $y=t^2+2tu$, $z=t^3+3t^2u$. What is the polynomial equation of $S$ in terms of $x,y,z$?

Best Answer

An alternative description is that (x,y,z) belongs to the tangent surface if and only if the polynomial (in the variable $s$) $1+3sx+3s^2y+s^3z$ has a double root. The corresponding M2 commands to get the equation of the tangent surface are


factor (discriminant(1+3*s*x+3*s^2*y+s^3*z,t))

The reason is that the twisted cubic corresponds to polynomials $p(t)=(1+st)^3$ and the tangent line at $p(t)$ is parametrized by cubic polynomials $p(t)+up'(t)=(1+st)^2(1+(t+3u)s)$.