[Math] Tan function and isosceles triangles


I have a non-right-angled isosceles triangle with two longer sides, X, and a short base Y.

I know the length of the long sides, X.

I also know the acute, vertex angle opposite the base Y, let's call it angle 'a'

I have been told I can calculate the length of the base Y by:

Y = tan(a) x X

I've sketched this out with a few hand drawn triangles and it does seem to work…… But why?

I can't derive that formula from any of the trigonometry I know. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Cut the iscoles triangle in half to get a two right triangles with opposite side $\frac 12 y$ and hypotenuse $x$.

$\frac 12 Y = \sin (\frac 12 a) x$

So apparently this is claiming $ 2\sin(\frac 12 a) = \tan a$ which isn't true but is apparently an approximation. $\tan a = \frac{\sin (\frac 12 a + \frac 12 a)}{\cos(\frac 12 a + \frac 12 a)} = \frac {2\sin \frac 12 a\cos \frac 12 a}{\cos^2 \frac 12 a - \sin^2 \frac 12 a}=2\sin\frac 12 a*\frac {\cos \frac 12a}{\cos^2 \frac 12 a - \sin^2 \frac 12 a}$

And $\frac {\cos \frac 12a}{\cos^2 \frac 12 a - \sin^2 \frac 12 a}=\frac {\cos \frac 12a}{1 - 2\sin^2 \frac 12 a}$ which, I guess for small values of $a$ is close to 1. (you said $x > y$ so $a < 60$ and $\frac 12 a < 30$ So for $a = 60$ then term is $\frac{4\sqrt{3}}6=1.1547$ and as $a$ decreases it gets closer to $1$... I guess.)

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