[Math] Tail bound on the sum of independent (non-identical) geometric random variables

probabilityprobability distributionsstochastic-processes

Suppose $X_1, \ldots , X_k$ are $k$ independent geometric random variables with success probability $p_1, \ldots, p_k$ and let $X = X_1 + \cdots + X_k$.

The expected number of trials needed is
\mathbb E[X] = \frac{1}{p_1} + \cdots + \frac{1}{p_k} \> .

Claim: It should be true that there is a constant $c>0$ (independent of $k$ and the success probabilities $p_i$) such that for any $t>0$ we have
\mathbb P[X > c (\mathbb E[X] + t)] < (1 – p_\min)^t \>,
where $p_\min = \min_i p_i$.

I would be very thankful for any help in proving this.

Note that if $p_1 = \cdots = p_k = p$ then $X$ is a negative binomial random variable. In this case, one can prove the claim with $c=16$ via a standard Chernoff bound: The expected number of successes after $16(\frac{k}{p}+t)$ trials is $16(k+tp)$ and, by the Chernoff bound, the probability that there are less than $k<\frac{1}{2}E[X]$ successes is at most $e^{-16(k+tp)/8}$ which is less than $e^{-2tp} < (1 – p)^t$.

Best Answer

Assume without loss of generality that $0 < p_1 \leq p_2 \leq \cdots \leq p_k$ and $X = X_1 + \cdots + X_k$ where $X_i$ are independent geometric random variables with parameter $p_i$. Let $\mu = \mathbb E X = \sum_{m=1}^k \frac{1}{p_m}$.

Below, we show a considerably stronger result than that claimed in the question. In particular:

Claim: For any $c \geq 2$ and any $k$, we have $$\renewcommand{\Pr}{\mathbb P}\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb E} \Pr(X > c (\mu + t) ) \leq (1-p_1)^t \exp(-(2c-3)k/4) \>. $$

Proof: By Markov's inequality applied to $e^{s X}$, for any $s > 0$, $$ \Pr(X > c (\mu + t) ) \leq e^{-s c t} e^{-s c \mu} \prod_{m=1}^k \E e^{s X_m} \>. $$

It is an easy exercise to check that $$ \E e^{s X_m} = \frac{p_m e^s}{1-(1-p_m) e^s} = \Big(1-\frac{1-e^{-s}}{p_m}\Big)^{-1} $$

Let $s = -\frac{1}{c}\log(1-p_1)$ so that $e^{-sc} = (1-p_1)$. Then, we get that $$ \Pr(X > c (\mu + t) ) \leq (1-p_1)^t \exp( a \mu - {\textstyle\sum_{m=1}^k} \log(1-b/p_m)) \>, $$ where $a = \log(1-p_1)$ and $b = 1-(1-p_1)^{1/c}$.

Recalling the definition of $\mu$ and concentrating on the exponent of the last term, we need to find some $c$ such that $$ \sum_{m=1}^k \frac{a}{b}\frac{b}{p_m} - \log(1 - b/p_m) < 0 \>. $$ Letting $c \geq 2$ and using Bernoulli's inequality, we have $b = 1-(1-p_1)^{1/c} \leq p_1/c \leq p_1 / 2$ and so, in particular $b/p_m \leq 1/2$ for all $m$.

Since, for $0 < z \leq 1/2$, the inequality $\log(1-z) \geq -z - z^2$ holds, we get that $$ \sum_{m=1}^k \frac{a}{b}\frac{b}{p_m} - \log(1 - b/p_m) \leq \frac{k}{2} (\frac{a}{b} + \frac{3}{2}) \>. $$

But, $a = \log(1-p_1) < 0$ and $b \leq p_1 / c$, so $$ \frac{a}{b} \leq \frac{c\log(1-p_1)}{p_1} \leq -c \>. $$

Putting everything together, we have shown that $$ \Pr(X > c (\mu + t) ) \leq (1-p_1)^t \exp(-(2c-3)k/4) $$ as claimed.

Notes: We observe the following:

  1. We can take $c = 2$ even in the case that $p = p_m > 0$ for all $m$.
  2. The special case where $p_m = m/k$ corresponds to the coupon collector problem. There are some sharper asymptotics in the case of the former problem as well as upper and lower bounds.
  3. Coupon collecting is also related to the birthday problem. For more on this connection, here's an interesting question with several different answers.
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