[Math] System of equations $x + xy + y = 11$ and $yx^2 + xy^2 = 30$


I have problem with solving this one.
Total number of solutions from system of equations?
x + xy + y = 11 \\
x^2y + y^2x = 30
There is a system of equation and I have tried to get some normal solutions, but I always get the fourth degree polynomial from which I do not know how to get simple 'x's and 'y's. I know that task asks me to just find total number, but I would like to know which solutions are those. This is adjusted for high school mathematics level.

Best Answer

make a change of variables $$x+y = u, xy = v. $$ then the equation in the new variables are $$\begin{align}u+v = 11\\uv = 30 \end{align}$$

this has solutions $$u = \frac{{11}^2\pm\sqrt{{11}^2-4 \times30}}{2}=6,5\quad v = 5,6$$ and $$x, y = \frac{u^2\pm\sqrt{u^2-4v}}{2}. $$

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