[Math] Symmetric Operator vs. Real Spectrum


For symmetric operators one has a characterization:
$$A\text{ symmetric}:\quad A=A^*\iff\sigma(A)\subseteq\mathbb{R}$$
(I want to investigate to what extend symmetry is a necessary assumption.)

On the one hand not every symmetric operator has real spectrum:
$$A\text{ symmetric}\nRightarrow\sigma(A)\text{ real}$$
(In fact this is true only for the self adjoint ones.)

Does the converse fail as well, that is, not every operator with real spectrum is symmetric:
$$A\text{ symmetric}\nLeftarrow\sigma(A)\text{ real}$$

Best Answer

Example 1: Take any bounded selfadjoint $A$, and any continuously invertible linear $P$, and form $B=P^{-1}AP$. Then $(B-\lambda I)=P^{-1}(A-\lambda I)P$ gives real spectrum for $B$ because $(B-\lambda I)$ is invertible iff $(A-\lambda I)$ is invertible and, in that case, $(B-\lambda I)^{-1}=P^{-1}(A-\lambda I)^{-1}P$. However, $B^{\star}=P^{\star}A(P^{\star})^{-1}$ may not be selfajdoint, even though the spectrum of $B$ is the same as that of $A$.

Example 2: If $A$ is a matrix which is diagonalizable with all real eigenvalues, but which does not have an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, then $A$ is not selfadjoint. A matrix $A$ is diagonalizable iff its minimal polynomial $m(\lambda)$ has no repeated factors. The eigenvectors for different eigenvalues are mutually orthogonal iff $A$ is unitarily equivalent to a diagonal matrix. Otherwise, $A$ is just similar to a diagonal matrix and may not be selfadjoint.

Example 3: The spectrum of a nilpotent $A$ is $\{0\}$. However, no non-zero nilpotent $A$ can be selfadjoint because $A^{n}=0$ for a normal $A$ implies $A=0$.