[Math] Symmetric matrices and commutativity

linear algebramatrices

Q: Let $m, n$ be positive intergers. Let $A$ and $B$ real $n\times n$ matrices. Assume that $B$ is symmetric and positive definite. If $A$ commutes with $B^{m}$, prove that $A$ commutes with $B$.

So I don't really know where to start with this other than the decomposition theorem for symmetric positive operators, so that I can write $B$ as diagonal with positive real entries. Perhaps taking the $m^{th}$ root could be useful which we can do since $B$ has positive entries, but I'm not sure.

Many thanks!

Best Answer

Since, $B$ is symmetric and positive definite, it is Unitarily diagonalizable, that is $\exists \, U \in U_n(\mathbb{R})$, such that $U^{*}BU = D[d_1,\cdots,d_n]$ is a diagonal matrix, with $d_i > 0$, for all $i = 1(1)n$.

Denote, $U^{*}AU = W = (w_{ij})_{n \times n}$, then,

$AB^m = B^mA \implies U^{*}AU(U^{*}BU)^m = (U^{*}BU)^mU^{*}AU \implies WD^m = D^mW$

So, $d_i^mw_{ij} = w_{ij}d_j^m$ for all $i,j$

Which implies, $d_iw_{ij} = w_{ij}d_j$ for all $i,j$ (since, $d_i,d_j >0$ and $d_i^m = d_j^m \implies d_i = d_j$)

That is $WD = DW$, which in turn implies $AB = BA$.

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