[Math] Symmetric difference using Venn diagrams (Discrete Math)

discrete mathematicselementary-set-theory

enter image description here

My question is about that image:

Is this the correct Venn diagram for part c ? Why is there a red region in the middle that is painted ? Where did this red region came from?

And about the relation:

This is true?How can I visualize this using the Venn diagram? $$(A \Delta B) \Delta C = A \Delta (B \Delta C)$$

Best Answer

You can see here that symmetric difference has an important property: The symmetric difference is associative! There are different ways to prove that, you can see in this related Math.SE questions: here and here.

And you can see other proof that I personally like here.

But your question is exactly:

Is this the correct diagram for the symmetric difference of the given A,B,C sets?

The answer is yes. There is a lot of ways to see it.

You can use the diagram to see what would be the symmetric difference:

$$A\Delta B$$ enter image description here

So the symmetric difference is the area of $A$ and $B$ without the intersection. See that the area taken out were the area of $A \cup B - (A\cap B)$. This is the definition of symmetric difference.

$$A\cap B$$ enter image description here

We have that the set $C$ is

$$C$$ enter image description here

Now, for the set $A\Delta B \Delta C$ we must take the areas of the both sets above and take the intersection. See that the center (in your question the red area) is in $C$ but is not in $A\Delta B$ so it is not an intersection, so should be considered! But the pink areas that are shown in the figure below are the intersection. So we will have

$$(A\Delta B) \cap C$$ enter image description here

So we take the area of all the unions and take out the pink areas. We are left with the symmetric difference of $A,B$ and $C$:

$$A\Delta B \Delta C $$ enter image description here

Other way is to use the relations here and construct a Venn diagram using the relations. For example

$$A\Delta B \Delta C = \displaystyle \left({A \cap \overline B \cap \overline C}\right) \cup \left({\overline A \cap B \cap \overline C}\right) \cup \left({\overline A \cap \overline B \cap C}\right) \cup \left({A \cap B \cap C}\right)$$

Where the bar above means that we take the complement of the set. If we name each of the sets that are been united: $X := \left({A \cap \overline B \cap \overline C}\right)$, $Y := \left({\overline A \cap B \cap \overline C}\right)$, $Z := \left({\overline A \cap \overline B \cap C}\right)$, $W := \left({A \cap B \cap C}\right)$ in this nomenclature we have $$A\Delta B\Delta C = X \cup Y \cup Z \cup W$$ We will have the above union and each of the sets will have the name that we give above inside them

enter image description here