[Math] Symmetric diagonally dominant matrix

linear algebra

Suppose I have a real, symmetric, $n\times n$ matrix $A$ such that the following conditions hold:

1) All diagonal elements $a_{ii}$ are strictly positive.

2) All off-diagonal elements $a_{ij}$ are non-positive.

3) The sum of the elements in each row (and therefore also in each column since $A$ is symmetric) is nonnegative. Moreover, there exists at least one row where this sum is strictly positive.

Does it follow, then, that $A$ has full rank?

Best Answer

If I'm not mistaken, $$A=\pmatrix{2&-1&0&0\\-1&2&0&0\\ 0&0&1&-1\\ 0&0&-1&1}$$ gives a counter-example (for $n\geq 4$, since it can be extended adding an identity matrix block of size $n-4$). Indeed

  • $a_{ii}\in\{1,2\}$ so $a_{ii}>0$.
  • The extra-diagonal elements are $0$ or $-1$, hence non-positive.
  • The sum of the rows are either $1$ or $0$ hence non-negative.
  • The sums of the elements of the first row is $1$ which is positive.
  • $A$ is symmetric.
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