[Math] Symbol or notation for quotient operator

integer programmingnotation

I'm trying to describe an algorithm in pseudocode where I've used the integer division operator. In VB.NET, the language I'm using, the operator used is "\", but I don't know if this is unambiguous to the reader that this symbol means "integer division". I've also seen "div" used. I can't use TeX or anything complicated format-wise. Is there an accepted symbol or notation for integer division operator, so that it very clearly means "integer division" and not regular division?

Best Answer

In math, $\setminus$ usually refers to set difference (LaTeX: \setminus), but if you mention it in the context of integers or natural numbers, it should be clear what you mean. To be absolutely sure, just write it as a remark ("Where I use \ to denote integer division")

Another common notation, especially in the context of ${\rm mod}$ as the complementary operation, $\mathop{\rm div}$ is widely used.