[Math] Symbol for the area of a shape


There are mathematical symbols to represent angles ($\angle AB$) and magnitudes ($|AB|$) and what not (ie: not variables, but rather symbol operator thingies).

Is there a symbol to represent the area of a given shape?
(so for a shape defined by points $A,B,C,D$; I could represent the area as *symbol* $ABCD$ or something to that effect)

I'm not looking for a variable to contain the area, like $A$, but a representation for a given shape.

(Sorry if this question is out of place; new here)
(was also uncertain about tag)

Best Answer

Whatever notation you use, define it, and everything should be fine. To get you some ideas, you could use, for example:

  • $[\triangle ABC]$, $[\hspace{-1pt}[\triangle ABC ]\hspace{-1pt}]$,
  • $\langle \triangle ABC \rangle$, $\langle\!\langle \triangle ABC \rangle\!\rangle$,
  • $|\triangle ABC|$, $\|\triangle ABC\|$,
  • $\mu_2(\triangle ABC)$.

If you won't use other measures like lenght or volume, you can skip the "2" symbol or the double brackets.

I hope this helps ;-)

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