[Math] Symbol for reflecting complex numbers over the imaginary axis

complex numbers

A bar or star symbol is used for reflecting in the real axis (i.e. complex conjugate).

Is there a commonly (or not so commonly) used symbol for inverting the sign of the real part (i.e. reflecting in the Im-axis) ?

I'm thinking of a situation in which reflections in the axes are the main concepts. Let's use ~z and z*. In this situation -z wouldn't be a main concept but if needed could be written as -z=~z*. Rather than just make up ~z, I wanted to know if there was already a symbol for this.

Best Answer

$-\bar{z}$ (or $-z^\ast$ if you're of that persuasion) is fine for your needs; no need for new notation.

Edit 9/29/2011:

One paper refers to the operation $-\bar{z}$ as "paraconjugation" and uses $z^\ast$ for it, but since $z^\ast$ is also often used for conjugation proper, I can't recommend the notation in good conscience. (I was hard-pressed to find other papers using the same term, also.)

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