[Math] symbol for “given” in mathematics


Is there a symbol for "given" in mathematics? For example, for the statement:

Each member, $x$, of the integer sequence $f(n)$ equals the sum of the
two previous members, $f(n-1)$ and $f(n-2)$, given $f(0) = 0$ and
$f(1) = 1$.

How do you write this symbolically?

Best Answer

Some common symbols used to express the notion of "given" or "such that" are the colon ":" and the vertical bar "|".

I guess your statement could then be rephrased as:

$x \in \{ f(n),\ n \in \mathbb{N}\ |\ f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2),\ f(0) = 0,\ f(1) = 1 \} $

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