[Math] SVD on columns of a rotation matrix

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatricesvector-spaces

Suppose a matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ is given, $n>m$, with columns being subset to those of an rotation matrix (i.e., matrix with with orthonormal columns). Is it true that the sigular values of $A$ are all equal? Furthermore, does that imply that, in case the columns of $A$ are not orthonormal, the singular values are not equal?

A side note: Is every orthogonal matrix a rotation/reflection matrix?
(suppose that a rotation matrix is the one that preserves isometry, i.e., distances.)

Best Answer

If $A$ has orthonormal columns, then $A^TA = I$ (the identity matrix). Since the singular values are the eigenvalues of $A^TA$, they are all equal to one.

On the other hand: Let $A$ have singular values equal to $c$, i.e. $$A = U\,cI\,V^T$$ with orthonormal $U$ and $V$ of the right size. Then $$A^TA = V\,cI\,U^T\,U\,cI\,V^T = c^2 I$$ which means that the rows of $A$ are orthogonal (but not normalized).

For the side note: An orthogonal matrix need not to preserve distances (e.g. $cI$ is orthogonal). An orthonormal matrix, however, does so.