[Math] Surface groups and subgroups of fundamental groups


The fundamental group of any closed surface is a surface group. Let $S_3$ be the orientable surface of genus 3.

Is $\pi_1(S_3)$ isomorphic to an index-3 subgroup of any surface group?

We have 1 2-cell, 6 1-cells, and 1 0-cell. Thus $\chi(S_3) = -4$.

If we could show that there was necessarily of covering space $S_3 \to X$ with $\pi_1(X) = G$, $p_\ast(\pi_1(S_3))$ in index-3 subgroup of $G$, then we would know that this is not possible since $4$ is not divisible by $3$.

Best Answer

Such a covering map always exists. Indeed, suppose more generally that you have two closed surfaces $S$ and $T$ and a monomorphism $\pi_1(S)\to \pi_1(T)$ whose image $H$ is a subgroup of finite index. Then there exists a finite-sheeted covering $T'\to T$ such that $\pi_1(T')=H$. Furthermore, $T'$ is also a closed surface, since it is a finite-sheeted cover of a closed surface. Since closed surfaces are determined up to homeomorphism by their fundamental group, we have $T'\cong S$. Composing the cover $T'\to T$ with a homeomorphism $S\to T'$ now gives a covering map $p:S\to T$ such that $p_*(\pi_1(S))=H$.