[Math] Suppose you deposit 8500 dollars into a savings account earning 5 percent annual interest compounded continuously

ordinary differential equations

Suppose you deposit 8500 dollars into a savings account earning 5 percent annual interest compounded continuously. To pay for all your music downloads, each year you withdraw $900 in a continuous way.

Let A(t) represent the amount of money in your savings account t years after your initial deposit.

(A) Write the DE model for the time rate of change of money in the account. Also state the initial condition.


(B) Solve the IVP to find the amount of money in the account as a function of time.


(C) When will your money run out?


Best Answer

As per the notions of differential coefficient of continuous derivatives ( compounding takes place each millisecond !),with annual music download payment $M$ deducted.

$$ \frac{dA}{dt} = r\cdot A- M $$

Integrating $$ \log( r A - M) = r \, t + C $$

At start using boundary condition $$ t= 0 , A =P $$

$$ log \,( r p - M) = C $$

$$ log\, \frac{r \, A - M }{r \,P - M} =r\, t $$

$$ A = ( P- M/r) e ^{r\, t} + M/r $$

$ P = 8500 ; r = 0.05 ; M=900; t = $ no of years.

Bank balance using calculus and influence of each constant can be graphed.