Complex Analysis – Prove or Disprove Integral of Analytic Function is Purely Imaginary


Suppose that $f$ is analytic on a close curve γ. Prove or disprove

$$\int_\gamma \overline{f(z)}f'(z)dz$$

is purely imagine.

I know that $f$ is analytic on a close curve, then

$$\int_\gamma f(z) dz=0$$

I tried an example with $\gamma =e^{it}$ with $0\leq t\leq 2\pi$, I often get the real part of the integral equal zero.

I tried let $f=u+iv$ so $f'=u_x+iv_x$. Since $f=u+iv$, $\overline{f}=u-iv$


But this doesn't get me anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

$$ 0 = \int_{\gamma} d\, |f|^2 = \int_{\gamma} \left(\overline{f} \cdot f' dz + f\cdot \overline{f'} d\overline{z}\right) = 2 \textrm{Re} \int_{\gamma}\overline{f} \cdot f' dz. $$

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