[Math] Suppose a whole number is selected at random between 100 and 999 inclusive.


(a) How many outcomes are in Ω?

(b) What is the probability the selected number has at least one 1 in it?

(c) What is the probability the selected number has exactly two 3’s in it?

What I have so far:

a). Sample Space = 999-100-899

b). No. of one's between 200-999 = 8 rows *10 + 8 times 10(201, 211, 212,.. 301,311,..991) + 8 times 8(for the extra 1's like 211, 311..911) = 704
No. of one's between 100-190 = # of one's between 100-119 +(120-190)
= 11+17 + (8*10 + (8))
= 28 + 88 = 116

Total no.of one's in it = 116 + 704 = 820
probability of getting atleast one 1 in it = 820/ 899

So, I don't think I'm approaching the problem right at all. My answer looks very wrong. Can someone help me to come on the right track?

I have no idea on how to do the third part with a different strategy than I have used so far. Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Best Answer

How many outcomes are in $\Omega$?


What is the probability that the selected number has at least $1$ "1" in it?


What is the probability that the selected number has exactly $2$ "3"’s in it?
