Linear Algebra – Properties of a 4×4 Matrix with Determinant 1/64

determinantlinear algebra

Suppose A is a 4×4 matrix such that $\det(A)=\frac{1}{64}$ then $\det(4A^{-1})^T$

  1. I created a 2×2 matrix $B$ and transposed it both had the same determinant
  2. I then found $\det(B)$ and $\det(B^{-1})$ the results were inverses of each other
  3. I then tried found the $\det(2B)$

but I cannot see what is the relationship between the determinant of a matrix and the determinant of that matrix multiplied by a constant?

Best Answer

Hint: Scaling a single row (or column) by a constant $k$ results in the determinant being scaled by $k$. So what happens if the entire matrix is scaled by $k$?