[Math] sum of two random variables

probability distributionsrandom variables

Can any of you help me?
I have some problem with this exercise of "Probability and Statistics" :

Calculate the probability density function (PDF) of $Z=X+Y$

where $Y$ is discrete random variable which is be equal to $-1,1$ with equal probability;
$X$ is standard Gaussian random variable independent from $Y$.

I know that the PDF of sum of two continuous independent variables is given by the convolution of the marginal PDF
but if one on the two variable is discrete what should I do?
thanks all!

Best Answer

If one variable is discrete, you can use the Dirac delta function to preform the integration: $$P(X=x) = \frac{1}{2}\delta(x-1) + \frac{1}{2}\delta(x+1)$$ Down-votes from purist mathematicians in 3.. 2.. 1..