[Math] Sum of squares using Gaussian integers

algebraic-number-theorynumber theory

Using Gaussian integers $a+ib$ ($a,b\in\mathbb{Z}$), one can prove that a prime $p\in\mathbb{Z}$ is sum of two squares in $\mathbb{Z}$ if and only if $p\equiv 1\pmod 4$.

Question: Using Gaussian integers, is there any result which says about what integers can be expressed as sum of two (non-zero) squares in $\mathbb{Z}$?

I do not know how factorization of $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ into product of primes will help for this, since

  • $2$ is sum of two squares, but the product $2.2$ is not.

  • $4$ is not sum of two squares, $2$ is sum of two squares, but $4.2$ is sum of two squares.

Best Answer

Assume that the prime factorization of a natural number $n$ is

$$ n=2^a\prod_{i, p_i\equiv-1\pmod4}p_i^{s_i}\prod_{j,p_j\equiv1\pmod4}p_j^{r_j}.\qquad(*) $$

We need the multiplicativity of the norm $N(u+vi)=(u+vi)(u-vi)=u^2+v^2$ and the known splitting behavior of rational primes in $\Bbb{Z}[i]$. Namely:

  • $2$ ramifies and is up to a unit factor equal to $(1+i)^2=2i$, where $1+i$ is a prime of $\Bbb{Z}[i]$.
  • If $p\equiv-1\pmod4$, then $p$ is also a prime of $\Bbb{Z}[i]$.
  • If $p\equiv1\pmod4$, then $p$ factors as $p=(a+bi)(a-bi)$ for some two primes $a\pm bi$ of $\Bbb{Z}[i]$. Here $ab\neq0$.

Let's look at the three factors on the r.h.s. of $(*)$, call them $n_1,n_2,n_3$, individually.

  1. If $n_1=2^a$ and $n=u^2+v^2$, then $N(u+vi)=2^a$. Unique factorization in $\Bbb{Z}[i]$ implies that $u+vi=i^k(1+i)^a$. We easily see that if $a$ is even, then either $u=0$ or $v=0$. But if $a$ is odd, then $|u|=|v|$. The conclusion is that $2^a$ is always a sum of two squares, but a sum of two non-zero squares iff $a$ is odd.
  2. If $n_2=\prod_{i, p_i\equiv-1\pmod4}p_i^{s_i}$ it is well known that $n_2$ is a sum of two squares iff it is a square (i.e. if all the exponents $s_i$ are even). Furthermore, $n_2$ cannot be a sum of two non-zero squares in this case.
  3. If $n_3=\prod_{j,p_j\equiv1\pmod4}p_j^{r_j}$. Then each of the primes $p_j$ is a sum of two squares: $p_j=(a_j+ib_j)(a_j-ib_j)=a_j^2+b_j^2$, $a_jb_j\neq0$. Consider the product $$u+iv=\prod_j(a_j+ib_j)^{r_j}.$$ I claim that if $n_3>$ both $u$ and $v$ are non-zero. This follows from the UFD-property. For if $uv=0$ then $u+iv$ and $u-iv$ are associates in $\Bbb{Z}[i]$, i.e. their ratio is a power of $i$. But, $u-iv=\prod_j(a_j-ib_j)^{r_j}$, and for all $j$ the primes $a_j+ib_j$ are $a_j-ib_j$ are non-associates, so $uv=0, n_3>1$ violates uniqueness of factorization of the Gaussian integer $u+iv$. The conclusion is that if $n_3>1$ it is a sum of two non-zero integers.

We need to put these pieces together. Fermat's theorem (see the above link, but we actually got that as a by-product) states that $n$ is a sum of two squares, iff $n_2$ is a square. I claim that

$n$ is a sum of two non-zero squares, iff $n_2$ is a square and either $n_1$ or $n_3$ is a sum of two non-zero squares.

If $n_1$ or $n_3$ (or both) is a sum of two non-zero squares, then using the multiplicativity of the norm gives rise to a presentation of $n$ as a sum of two non-zero squares. If $n_1=N(a_1+ib_1)$, $n_2=a_2^2$ and $n_3=N(a_3+ib_3)$, then then product $u+iv=(a_1+ib_1)a_2(a_3+ib_3)$ cannot be real or pure imaginary by the argument from item 3 above, and $N(u+iv)=n$. OTOH, if $n=N(u+iv)$ with $uv\neq0$, then the prime factorization of $u+iv$ must either contain a factor of $n_3>1$ or an odd power of $(1+i)$.

Summary: $n$ is a sum of two non-zero squares, iff all the exponents $s_i$ are even, and in addition either $a$ is odd, or at least one of the exponents $r_j>0$.

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