[Math] sum of perpendicular distances from the sides of a triangle.


I am trying to solve a problem and got stuck in the following:-

enter image description here

P, A’, C’ are respectively points on the sides AC, CB, and AB of ⊿ABC. PA’ and PC’ are the perpendiculars to the sides of the triangle such that S = PA’ + PC’. Inside ⊿ABC, find a point Q (its locus would be even better) such that its sum of the perpendiculars to the side AB and side BC is equal to S.

If the above is not possible, particular solution (with conditions restricted/relaxed) is also welcome.

Best Answer

Such a locus is a line segment: if $Q_A,Q_B,Q_C$ are the projections of a point $Q$ (inside $ABC$) on the sides $BC,AC,AB$ of the triangle, then: $$ QQ_A\cdot BC + QQ_B\cdot AC+QQ_C\cdot AB = 2[ABC]$$ holds, no matter where $Q$ is placed inside $ABC$. So, just find another point $P'$ on the perimeter of $ABC$ such that the sum of the distances from the sides $AB,BC$ equals $S$, and connect it with $P$: this will be your wanted locus. If you take signed distances, then the locus is the whole $PP'$-line.

If you like to use coordinate geometry, just put a skew reference system with centre in $B$ and the $x$-axis and $y$-axis oriented like $BA$ and $BC$. You are just solving $x+y=S$, that is the equation of a line.

enter image description here

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