[Math] Sum of elements of the inverse matrix (without deriving the inverse matrix) using elementary methods.

linear algebramatrices

I have the matrix
\end{pmatrix}.$$ Find the sum of elements of the inverse matrix without computing the inverse.

I have seen this post, but I need much more elementary method. I have checked that inverse exists, and $\Delta=7$. The answer is $\frac37$.

What I did, is by (not so)simple computation, I worked out that every matrix of the form
\end{pmatrix}$ always achieves an inverse of the form

And by this technique, the expected result follows for my case $a=3, b=2$.

But I don't think this is an elegant method. Because I need to prove this lemma, then have to claim the result. And also, I was told in question not to compute inverse, where I, here, am computing inverse of a general case.

Best Answer

The post you link tells you that the sum you want is $(\vec{1})^t\cdot A^{-1}\cdot \vec{1}$ (where $\vec{1}$ is the vector with all entries equal to $1$). Your matrix has the property that all lines have the sum of the elements equal to $7$; this is equivalent to writing $$A\cdot \vec1= 7\vec1,$$and from that you get that $$A^{-1}\cdot \vec{1}=\frac{1}{7}\vec1.$$ Thus you have immediately $$(\vec{1})^t\cdot A^{-1}\cdot \vec{1}=\frac17(\vec{1})^t\cdot \vec1=\frac{3}{7}.$$