[Math] Sum of eigenspaces is direct sum

direct-sumeigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebra

I know, thanks to a kind user of this forum, that the sum of the eigenspaces of an endomorphism $A:V\to V$, with $\dim(V)=n$, is a direct sum.

A clear complete proof for the case where the eigenvalues of $A$ are distinct is here, for example.

I cannot manage to adapt that proof to the general case where $A$ may have eigenvalues of algebraic multiplicity $>1$. Could anybody explain a proof?

Best Answer

Let $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_p$ the distinct eigenvalues of $A$ then since the polynomials $x-\lambda_k$ are $2$ by $2$ coprime then using the kernels decomposition theorem $^{(1)}$ we have that the sum of the eigenspaces of an endomorphism is direct.

$^{(1)}$ This is a french page and the result given there is a classic result but I didn't find the english translation of it and I'm not sure on what name this theorem is known in the English jargon.

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