Calculus – Sufficient Conditions on Subsequences for Convergence


Given a sequence $a_n$, I know that if I can find a divergent subsequence of $a_n$, or two subsequences of $a_n$ that converge to different values, $a_n$ diverges, since, if I have understood correctly, a sequence $a_n$ converges to a limit $L$ if and only if every subsequence of $a_n$ converges to that value $L$.

I've been wondering if this last condition was equivalent to showing that some subsequences converge to $L$, picking the subsequences such that every element of the original sequence is in at least one of the subsequences. Is it? I would guess that the terms "partition" or "covering" fit this description.


Best Answer

If you can partition a sequence into finitely many subsequences, each of which converges to $L$, then the original sequence must converge to $L$ as well. This is clear from the following definition of the limit: $a_n \rightarrow L$ iff for all $\epsilon>0$ there exists $N_\epsilon$ such that $|a_n - L| < \epsilon$ whenever $n \ge N_\epsilon$. But then for any $\epsilon > 0$, because the $i$-th subsequence converges to $L$, it is within $\epsilon$ of the limit for $n \ge N^{(i)}_\epsilon$; so the sequence itself is within $\epsilon$ of the limit for $n \ge N_\epsilon = \max_{i}N^{(i)}_\epsilon$.

However, the result does not hold for a partition into infinitely many subsequences. For instance, consider the case where $a_n=1$ when $n$ is prime and $a_n=0$ otherwise. This can be partitioned into infinitely many subsequences, where $a_n$ is in the $i$-th subsequence if the smallest prime factor of $n$ is the $i$-th prime. (Just put $a_1$ anywhere.) Each subsequence converges (immediately) to zero, but the original sequence does not converge, because it has sporadic $1$'s as far out as you care to look.

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