[Math] Sufficient condition for a matrix to be diagonalizable and similar matrices

diagonalizationlinear algebramatricessimilar matrices

my question is about diagonalizable matrices and similar matrices.

I have a trouble proving a matrix is diagonalizable.

I know some options to do that:

Matrix $A$ $(n \times n)$, is diagonalizable if:

  • Number of eigenvectors equals to number of eigenvalues.
  • There exists an invertible matrix $B$ and a diagonal matrix $D$ such that: $D=B^{-1}AB$.

But i have a trouble to determine it according the second option, Do i really need to search if there exists an invertible matrix $B$ and a diagonal matrix $D$ such that: $D=B^{-1}AB?$

I really sorry to ask an additional question here: If a matrix has a row of $0$'s (one of its eigenvalues is $0$), That matrix is diagonalizable?

in general, given a matrix, how do i know if is a diagonalizable matrix? Are there some additional formulas to do that?

Thanks for help!!

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The wording Number of eigenvectors equals to number of eigenvalues... is confusing. If $A$ has a non zero eigenvector then $A$ has an infinite number of eigenvectors (providing you work in $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$ for example). A proper wording would be $A$ has a basis of eigenvectors.

If a matrix has a row of $0$'s (one of its eigenvalues is $0$), That matrix is diagonalizable?

The implication "If a matrix has a row of $0$'s" then "that matrix is diagonalizable" is not true. The matrix $$A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$ is an example. The only eigenspace is $\mathbb F e_2$ were $e_2$ is the second vector of the canonical basis (and $\mathbb F$ the field of the vector space).

Some equivalent conditions for a matrix $A$ to be diagonalizable

  • The sum of the dimensions of its eigenspaces is equal to the dimension $n$ of the space.
  • $A$ is similar to a diagonal matrix.
  • Its minimal polynomial is a product of distinct linear factors.
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