General Topology – Subspace of the Product Space ?_{? ? J} X_{?}


I was reading the Munkres and found a theorem (namely, the Theorem 19.3) and I didn't get it:

Theorem 19.3 Let $A_{\alpha}$ be a subspace of $X_{\alpha}$ , for each $\alpha \in J$. Then $\prod A_{\alpha}$ is a subspace of $\prod X_{\alpha}$ if both products are given the box topology, or if both products are given the product topology.

How one shows that a given set is a subspace of other one? I think this is what I don't get in this theorem.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You must show that $U$ is an open subset of $\prod A_\alpha,$ if and only if there is some open subset $V$ of $\prod X_\alpha$ such that $U=V\cap\prod A_\alpha$ (meaning $U$ is open in the subspace topology on $\prod A_\alpha$ induced by $\prod X_\alpha$). Do you know the definitions of the box and product topologies?

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