Group Theory – Subgroups of Klein Bottle


Let $G$ be the fundamental group of the Klein bottle,

$G = \langle x,y \ ; \ yxy^{-1}=x^{-1} \rangle = {\mathbb Z} \rtimes {\mathbb Z} \ .$

What are the nilpotent subgroups of $G$?

I was only able to find a normal series of abelian subgroups with cyclic quotients in $G$, namely

$1\leq \langle y^2 \ ; \ \ \rangle\leq \langle x,y^2 \ ; \ xy^2=y^2x \rangle\leq G \ .$

Since I'm not an algebraist, I'm sorry if this a silly question. Thanks!

Best Answer

Every cyclic subgroup is abelian, hence nilpotent. Every such subgroup is generated by an element of the form $x^ay^b$ with $a$ and $b$ integers.

In addition, $y^2$ commutes with $x$. Since $y^2$ is central, to determine the commutator of two elements we only need to consider the parity of the exponents of $y$ in their normal forms. Elements of the form $x^ay^{2b}$ and $x^ry^{2s}$ commute; elements of the form $x^ay^{2k+1}$ and $x^r$ commute if and only if $r=0$; and elements of the form $x^ay^{2k+1}$ and $x^ry^{2s+1}$ commute if and only if $a=r$. That gives you lots of abelian subgroups that are isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}$.

What about higher nilpotency? Suppose you have two noncommuting elements in your subgroup. It is not hard to check that $[x^ay^{2b+1},x^r] = x^{2r}$ and $[x^ay^{2b+1},x^r y^{2s+1}] = x^{2a-2r}$. But no nontrivial power of $x$ commutes with an element of the form $x^a y^{2b+1}$; and further commutators will just yield further nontrivial powers of $x$ that still do not commute with an element of the form $x^ay^{2b+1}$. So if your subgroup $H$ has an element of the form $h_1=x^a y^{2b+1}$, and $h$ is any nontrivial element of $H$ that is not a power of $h_1$, then $h_1$ and $h$ do not commute, and $h_1$ does not commute with any of $[h_1,h]$, $[h_1,h,h_1]$, $[h_1,h,h_1,h_1],\ldots,[h_1,h,h_1,\ldots,h_1]$, etc. But if $H$ is nilpotent of class $c$, then any commutator of weight $c$ would be central in $H$. Thus, $H$ cannot be nilpotent.

So the only nilpotent subgroups of $H$ are abelian, and they are given as above.