[Math] SU(2) subgroups of SU(4)


The Wikipedia article on Gell-Mann matrices states that there are 3 independent SU(2) subgroups of SU(3). One of them, for example, is given by the generators $\{ \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3 \}$, which satisfy the commutation relation of the $\mathfrak{su}(2)$ algebra.

How can I found similar subgroups of SU(4) such that their combination satisfy a commutation relation of the form $[t_a, t_b] = \epsilon_{abc} t_c$ as well?

So far I am aware of three such ways – for example the matrices A, B and B, where $B= i( t_2 + t_{14}) $, $C= i(t_5 – t_{12})$ and $D= i (t_7 + t_{10})$ and $t_i$ are the 4×4 generators of SU(4), obey the above commutation relation.

Are there any more independent ways?

Best Answer

The Dynkin diagram of $SU(4)$ has 3 nodes, which means that it carries three elements in it's Cartan subalgebra. Consider those as three possible choices for $J_z$. Each of those can be attached with a pair of raising/lowering operators $J_{\pm}$ -- to create one $SU(2)$ algebra each.


BTW, a simple way to see this is the following: Consider the generators on the diagonal (you'll have $N-1$ independent ones, due to the tracelessness condition) as the $J_z$. Then, the corresponding $J_\pm$ are those generators that are one step off-diagonal above/below, and there are exactly $N-1$ of them.

I presume that argument can be translated to a statement about groups, but I don't think I'm equipped to do that.

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