Induction – Strong Induction Proofs Done with Weak Induction


I've been told that strong induction and weak induction are equivalent. However, in all of the proofs I've seen, I've only seen the proof done with the easier method in that case. I've never seen a proof (in the context of teaching mathematical induction), that does the same proof in both ways, and I can't seem to figure out how to do them myself. It would put my mind at ease if I could see with my own eyes that a proof done with strong induction can be completed with weak induction. Does anyone have a link to proofs proved with both, or could anyone show me a simple proof here? I'm more interested in proofs were strong induction is the easier method.

Best Answer

The idea is that if something is proved with "strong" induction, i.e. by assuming all preceding cases, then you can use "weak" induction on the hypothesis "all preceding cases hold". Let me explain with mathematical notation, perhaps it'll be a little clearer.

Suppose you want to prove a proposition for all $n \ge 1$, i.e you want to show that for all $n \ge 1$, $P(n)$ is true, where $P(n)$ is some proposition. Define the proposition $Q(n)$ by "$P(k)$ is true for all $k$ with $1 \le k \le n$". Then showing that $P(n)$ is true using "strong" induction is equivalent to showing that $Q(n)$ is true using "weak" induction. But $P(n)$ is true for all $n$ if and only if $Q(n)$ is true for all $n$, hence the proof techniques are completely equivalent (in the sense that using one technique or the other has the same veracity ; it doesn't mean that one is more or less complicated to use than the other).

At some point in the study of mathematics you stop making the distinction between "strong" and "weak". You just say that you're using "induction". I wouldn't be sure that you stop distinguishing this if you study logic though, but let's just leave those kind of problems to logicians, shall we.

Hope that helps,

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