Strictly Increasing Continuous Function – Real Analysis


Prove that any onto strictly increasing map $f: (0,1) \to (0,1)$ is continuous.

Since its strictly increasing then for $x<y$ it implies that $f(x) < f(y)$. For continuity I must show that for any $y\in (0,1)$ there exists a $\delta>0$ such that for $\epsilon>0$ then $|x – y|<\delta$ implies that $|f(x) – f(y)|<\epsilon.$

Best Answer

Hint: In this case, it's quite a bit easier to use the (equivalent) definition of continuity that

$f$ is continuous if and only if for all open sets $O$, $f^{-1}(O)$ is open.

Furthermore, it's sufficient to show that $f^{-1}((\alpha, \beta))$ is open for every interval $(\alpha, \beta)$; use the fact that $f$ is strictly increasing to show that

$$f^{-1}((\alpha, \beta)) = (f^{-1}(\alpha), f^{-1}(\beta))$$