[Math] Street Combinatorics – 6 by 7 grid


You go to school in a building located six blocks east and seven blocks north
of your home. So, in walking to school each day you go thirteen blocks. All streets in a rectangular pattern are available to you for walking.
In how many different paths can you go from home to school, walking only thirteen

I want to say that the answer can be found knowing that there are $6!$ ways east and $7!$ ways north. Then, the answer would be $6!+ 7!$ .

I feel like this is way too simple of a solution to be correct.

Best Answer

Let's assume the only moves you are allowed are moving north and moving east. Denote a move north as n and a move east as e. Hence, we need to make 7 n moves and 6 e moves, and we seek to compute the number of arrangements of these moves.

This is equivalent to the problem


How many distinct rearrangements are there of the above letters. Through some combinatorics, we find the answer is $${13\choose6}=\frac{13!}{6!7!}=\color{red}{1716}$$